Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My out loud to do list for the week...

What a crazy week.!!!! I miss my girlfriends.  We had a nice get together on Sunday.  Our kids play relatively well together and we obviously never run out of things to talk about. We all have two kids and they are all involved in activities so getting together is not easy.
So far this worked I  worked Tuesday & had a cubscout fundraising meeting at night.
Today, I cut the grass and have to clean and prepare the house for after school playdates and we're having the den meeting here. Then---Zumba!!!!
Tomorrow, Kaylee has Dance and then I have a fall fest  meeting at 8pm which is sure to last until the wee hours of Friday morning.
Friday evening we have the Cub Scout Bonfire in which I have put on a skit to entice 30 boys, between the ages of 6 and 10, to sell popcorn.
No big plans for Saturday or Sunday yet--Thank GOD!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm off to bed.  I somehow managed to mess up my own work schedule.  Will have to fix that in the morning.  The inevitable has happened. I will officially be returning to work on Tuesday.  Boo hiss...
I am lucky to have a job, I am lucky to have a job, I am lucky to have a job.
Say it with me... ( I really am)


Everyday there is something: An appointment, a dropoff, a meeting, a class, a project due, volunteer work, at home work. This is life-right?  I suppose if I didn't have all of this "stuff" I'd be complaining about emptiness or something-right???
No time to write anything else today...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Guilty as charged

School is just starting this week, so its been a routine 2 days. Up at 6am- wake up the kids, make coffee, make lunches, make breakfast drive to school and return home.  Starting next week, I will have two rounds of pick-up and drop off, 3 days a week.
I'm trying to think of alternatives to retuning to work in my old capacity and old schedule.  The only schedule I can figure out, prevents Kaylee from returning to her dance classes. I feel so guilty about this.  There must be an alternative- right?
Anyway, I'm on a fundraising committee for my kid's school and was at a meeting until 12:30am last night.  This is typical and winds up being more social after a while, but AGAIN I feel guilty leaving early.
I better get back to K-I'm feeling guilty about her watching TV on her last day home before pre-school school starts.
Are you sensing a theme?
How can I get rid of the guilt????????

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Even when you don't succeed try, try again!

Hello out there!
I committed to writing in theis blog 3 x a week about 2 years ago. oops- I only wrote twice in 2 years!

This time things are different for me.  I have this terrible habit of second guessing myself. But I'm hoping that writing this blog (with my friends, this time) will help propel me to take the next step---whatever that might be!

My kids are now 4 and 8 and as school is about to start I am faced with a decision.  Return to my part-time, very flexible job--or officially and completely stay at home once and for all....  The financial scales are, of course, tipped in the direction of returning to work.  But my daughter just has 1 year left before she starts kindergarten--full days.  Our family life is definitely more manageble when I don't have a schedule to work with- but is that really best?  Of course ONE HUGE factor in this decision is who will watch my kids when I am not---and herein lies the problem... Will they really be better off with out me? In otherwords- this person watching them has to be BETTER than me, right?

Anyway--I need to get back to the kids, just needed to get this started.  Will blog more after dark when everyone's in bed...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

No Secret

I have purchased and listened to the audio version of The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes and have begun to see the world with new eyes. I am focusing on how lucky I am to have choices rather than whining about the tough choices I make and have made.
Perhaps by focusing on the things I am grateful for- I will forget about the other "trivial" things. I have created a mission and it goes like this...
1. I'm done feeling guilty about any of my selfish actions or thoughts. Its okay to take care of myself sometimes and it doesn't make me a BAD mom or Bad wife.
2. I practice positive thinking on a daily basis by remembering to remember ALL the people in my life that I am grateful for.
3. I can eat whatever I want and still maintain a perfect body weight. (this is POSSIBLE)
4. I will be financially free someday soon. I have NO idea how, but I trust that it will happen AND soon.
5. I listen more and talk less than I did before now.
6. I expect more of myself and FOR myself.
7. I remember that I am a pretty smart cookie and that I can control my mind and, in turn, control my universe.
8. I post to my blog at least 3x's a week.
9. I follow the flow of my life and NOT fight it.
10. I am finding out the answer to this question "what is my passion?"

Monday, February 19, 2007

Can anyone hear me?

This is a scary new venture for me. But fear (or sense) hasn't stopped me from many things. My husband and I have 2 small children who keep me very busy on the days I am home. I also work part time (about 2o hrs a week) to keep our family from getting too far into debt and to keep one foot in the career world for when my kids get older. Some days I second guess my decision to continue working, and other days I second guess my decision to cut back to part-time hours. Many days I go thru the range of emotions on both sides. I enjoy being with my kids but also derive a lot of satisfaction and accopmplishment from the days I work at the office.

Our financial situation is not BAD but our h0me needs a lot of updating and we will probably need to get a new car soon.

I love being with my kids but I HATE housework and put it off as much as I can. I have, on occasion paid someone to clean ( about 5 times in 6 years) but I feel guilty doing it and also feel like I should save the money towards our house or family vacation or something else.

I don't generally have a lot of time to write, but am I am trying to take some time out for me so that I be more focused on the tasks that help me acheive my goals.

Is there anyone else that can relate?